St Luke's Surgery (Dr Chauhan, Dr Ghosh & Dr Pillai)

Pinfold Health Centre, Field Road, Bloxwich, Walsall, WS3 3JP

Telephone: 01922 775136


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Sick (Fit) Notes

Sick (fit) notes

When do I need a sick / fit note?

7 days off sick or less

If you’re off work sick for 7 days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. Instead, they can ask you to confirm that you’ve been ill. You can do this by filling in a form yourself when you return to work. This is called self-certification. Click here for information and the form for self-certification

More than 7 days off sick

If you’re off work sick for more than 7 days, your employer will usually ask for a fit note (or Statement of Fitness for Work) from a GP or hospital doctor. Fit notes are sometimes referred to as medical statements or a doctor’s note. For more information please visit;

How to request a Sick (Fit) note if you have been off work for more than 7 days

To request a sick note:

· fill out a admin request using our  online triage form

· phone or visit the surgery from 8am – 1pm Monday -Thursday at 8am – 1pm on Fridays.

More Information

Sick (fit) notes can not be issued before their start date for example: if you require a note to start on the 2nd July we cannot issue until this date.

Sick (fit) notes can be back dated if needed.

There maybe a charge if you require a private certificate/letter for occupational purposes.

Support on getting back into work

WorkWell is a new initiative set to support thousands of people across the Black Country with health conditions and disabilities to find or retain employment to boost their wellbeing. This initiative is delivered by Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

The Black Country is one of just 15 places around the country chosen as a pilot area to deliver the WorkWell scheme which will provide early intervention to people who are experiencing barriers to gain or retain employment due to health conditions or disabilities.

You can visit for more information.

What is WorkWell?

WorkWell is a service designed to support anyone with a health condition or disability to either:

  • Return/Remain in work
  • Find and Access work
  • Refer or signpost into various services available in your local area.

This service provides a team of trained Work and Health Coaches who will provide short term, light touch support to help individuals with their support needs to return, remain or succeed in work.

WorkWell will help individuals to build a personalised support plan based off their current needs, health conditions/disabilities and additional support that may be needed and then work together with organisations across the Black Country to provide joined up support for that individual.

What does WorkWell offer?

Following a referral into WorkWell one of our team of trained Work & Health Coaches will complete an initial assessment to identify any and all support needs required and depending on the individuals needs may provide support under any of the three core support categories:

Employment Support

If an individual requires employment support due to health barriers, support may include:

  • Create a personalised goals plan
  • Access education, training and volunteering support
  • Finding available employment opportunities
  • Support building a CV, job application and interview techniques
  • Confidence building and disclosure techniques
  • Understanding reasonable adjustment requests with new employers

In Work Support

If an individual in work requires support to return to work or to stay in their current role due to health barriers, support may include:

  • Support to understand individuals rights and laws in the workplace
  • Open conversations with employers to discuss health barriers
  • Review of reasonable adjustments with employers
  • Negotiate and support return to work plans and conversations

Who is WorkWell for?

WorkWell is available for anyone who is:

  • 16+ years old
  • Lives or is registered to a G.P.or local Jobcentre Plus falls anywhere within the Black Country
  • Has the right to work within the UK
  • Anyone experiencing barriers to employment due to health conditions/disabilities

WorkWell will support those who are in work, need support returning to work or are out of work up to 6 months who require early intervention due to facing health related barriers, however, we also link participants needing more complex support to return to work who have been out of work longer with services who can provide longer term support.

How to complete a referral?

We will be working closely with many different organisations across the Black Country.

Individuals can ask any health care professionals they may be attending to fill out a referral for to our team or alternatively individuals can also self-refer into our service.

How to refer? 

You can refer into the service using our eReferral form.

If you have any queries please contact the WorkWell team on

How to contact WorkWell?


Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    We close on the second last Wednesday of the month for staff training. Please phone Ournet 01922 501999 if you require assistance
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 01:00pm
    If you need assistance between 1:00pm to 6:30pm, please call Ournet on 01922 501999
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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